The FCT Group modular system finds its real meaning in the flexibility of the choice of the pension plans.
Affiliated companies can define the benefits they wish to offer to different groups of their employees by combining different FCT Group pension solutions, designing multiple occupational benefits plans within one solution and optimize both by changing the available parameters.

Saving contributions | Tailor-made | Tailor-made | Tailor-made |
Death & disability benefits | Tailor-made | Tailor-made | Tailor-made |
Financing of contributions | Tailor-made | Tailor-made | Tailor-made |
Interest rate on saving capitals | Uniform* | Tailor-made | Performance |
Funding | Uniform* | Tailor-made | Market rate |
Other available options to increase the flexibility within the legal framework are:
- choice of a lump sum instead of a retirement pension
- early, deferred or partial retirement
- level of contributions for employees and choice of contributions plan
The pension plans of the FCT 1e are treated as “defined contribution” plans on the international scene while the FCT offers to the Pension Funds standard rules which are fully compatible with the “risk sharing” methodology applicable to the affiliated companies under the international accounting standards of IAS 19.