New leadership for the FCT Group
We are pleased to announce an important change in the Management Board of the FCT Group.
From 1 July 2024
François Kissling and Fabien Delessert will become co-CEOs of FCT Services SA, the company responsible for managing and developing the Group’s two foundations, FCT and FCT 1e, taking over from Arpad Soos.
François Kissling and Fabien Delessert, complementing each other perfectly with their vast experience, will form an exceptional management duo. In the course of their professional careers, they have both worked for many years in the development of the foundations and have a perfect knowledge of the FCT model. We are convinced that they will be able to put all their skills and passion at the service of the harmonious and sustainable development of the FCT Group, in line with the strategic vision of the Boards of Trustees and for the benefit of all our clients and insureds.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Arpad Soos, who made a decisive contribution to the creation and development of the FCT and then FCT 1e, and who has led FCT Services SA since 2018. His appointment to the Board of Directors of FCT Services SA will be proposed at the forthcoming General Assembly.