General Assembly in French-speaking Switzerland - 2016
General Assembly for the companies affiliated to our foundation: on the 15th September 2016 in Lausanne at the Olympic Museum
Part 1: General Assembly and presentation of the annual accounts 2015
presented by Mrs. Isabelle Amschwand (Chair of the Collective Foundation Trianon) and Gilles André (Plan Manager of the CFT)
Part 2: Training Seminar
presented by the following speakers :
- Mr. Alexandre Mouthon, Pictet Asset Management, "Technological evolution, the opportunities of tomorrow"
- Ms Angela de Wolff, Founding Partner, Conser Invest SA, "Sustainability of pooled profiles - early results"
- Mrs Isabelle Amschwand, Managing Director, Trianon SA, "Tax and Pension Planning, Practice and Legislative Developments"

Interview film produced by Sarah Rollinet (17 years old). The interviews were conducted with working people and pensioners, and reveal an essential need for information on the importance of the 2nd pillar and pension provision as a whole.