Multi-employer solutions (FCT)

Multi-employer Pension Funds Genesia und Grano
The Multi-employer Pension Funds solutions Genesia und Grano are particularly attractive for the small and middle-sized structures. The main advantages of these solutions are their simplicity and globalized asset management, which allow you to outsource your administration on very attractive terms while ensuring complete transparency.

Structure and organisation
The affiliated companies constitute a multi-employer Pension Fund within the FCT. Each of these Pension Funds is managed by a Joint Pension Committee, with four members elected by the representatives of the employers and the employees of the Affiliated Companies. These Committees define the investment strategy adapted to the structure and risks of the Fund, the reinsurers, the range of pension plans, etc.
Asset management
The assets of the multi-employer Pension Fund Genesia are under a collective management for all the Affiliated Companies. The same principle applies to the Pension Fund Grano. The Pension Committee is responsible for asset management in compliance with the legal regulations.
The investment profile and the financial partners (custodian bank and asset managers) in charge of its implementation are reviewed periodically (every 3 to 5 years) based of an ALM study performed by a specialized expert. The multi-employer Pension Funds will be provided annually with a prospective analysis of their risks (opportunities and points of vigilance).
Investment fluctuation reserve
The investment fluctuation reserve target is calculated for the whole of each multi-employer Pension Fund (Genesia und Grano) by a specialist in the field, based on a probabilistic method and a minimum security level of at least 95%.
Funded status
The coverage rate of the multi-employer Pension Fund Genesia applies to all the Affiliated Companies. The same principle applies to the multi-employer Pension Fund Grano. In case of a new affiliation, the transferred assets shall correspond to a coverage ratio of at least 100%.
Occupational benefits scheme
The Pension Committees of the multi-employer Pension Funds Genesia und Grano define the occupational benefits schemes to be available for the affiliated companies and determine the basic conditions (interest rates on savings accounts, conversion rates, financing)
Each Affiliated Company can choose:
- the savings contributions
- the death and disability benefits
Interest rates on savings accounts
Each Pension Committee is responsible for the determination of the interest rate payable on the savings accounts of its Insureds. This decision is based on the annual interest rate set up by the Swiss Federal Council and the coverage rate effective at the account closing date.
Current conversion rate
The conversion rate which is used to convert the retirement savings capital into a retirement pension is determined by each Pension Committee.
Congruent reinsurance coverage for death and disability benefits is provided by one of the Swiss insurance companies supervised by FINMA.