General Assembly in French-speaking Switzerland - 2019
General Assembly for the companies affiliated to our foundation: on the 12th September 2019 in Lausanne at the Olympic Museum
Part 1: General Assembly and presentation of the annual accounts 2018
presented by Mrs. Isabelle Amschwand (Chair of the Collective Foundation Trianon) and Cédric Freidig (Trianon SA)
"Governance and development of FCT", Mr Arpad Soos, Director of FCT Services SA in interview with Ms Esther Mamarbachi
Part 2: Training Seminar
Focus: Lifestyles are changing, what about pensions? »
Dr. Jérôme Cosandey, Director for French-speaking Switzerland and Head of Social Policy Research at Avenir Suisse, "Career Interruption and Occupational Benefits, a costly process?"
Mr. Rayan Houdrouge, Attorney at Law, Partner at Lenz & Staehelin, "Data protection law: what are the challenges for occupational pension provision?"
Me Anne Reiser, Attorney at Law, Geneva Bar, Law Firm of Anne Reiser, "Family and Pension Plans: Can they go hand in hand?"
Debate with the speakers moderated by Mrs. Esther Mamarbachi
Olympic Museum
Quai d'Ouchy 1
1006 Lausanne