General Assembly in German-speaking Switzerland - 2017
General Assembly for the companies affiliated to our foundation: on the 21st September 2017 at Au Premier in Zurich
Part 1: General Assembly and presentation of the annual accounts 2016
presented by Mrs. Isabelle Amschwand (Chair of the Collective Foundation Trianon) and Reto Staeheli (Trianon SA)
Part 2: Training Seminar
presented by the following speakers :
Mr. Michael Valentine, Investment Specialist, Willis Towers Watson, "Current market situation and investment prospects for Swiss pension funds"
Mr Jean-Marc Wanner, Expert of the Collective Foundation Trianon, Aon Hewitt, "The future social, political and economic challenges of the second pillar"
Mrs. Laurence Uttinger, Partner, lic. iur., Lawyer, Niederer Kraft & Frey, "Flexible Retirement"
Restaurant Au Premier
Foyer Les Trouvailles
Bahnhofplatz 15
8001 Zürich